Write an equation in point-slope form for the line through the given point with the given slope. (-3,-5);m=-2/5


my answer is a

if the point is (a,b) and the slope is m

then the equation is

y - b = m(x - a)

now which one of the given answers follows that pattern?

is the answer B

no , B does not have the necessary brackets

is the answer c


Why do you think it is C or are you just guessing?

To write an equation in point-slope form, we need the coordinates of a point on the line and the slope of the line.

Point: (-3, -5)
Slope: m = -2/5

The point-slope form of a linear equation is given by the formula:
(y - y1) = m(x - x1)

Now, we can substitute the values into the formula:
(y - (-5)) = (-2/5)(x - (-3))

Simplifying the equation gives:
y + 5 = (-2/5)(x + 3)

Therefore, the correct equation in point-slope form for the line passing through the point (-3, -5) with a slope of -2/5 is:
A. y + 5 = (-2/5)(x + 3)