Find the volume of the cylinder. Use 3.14 for Pi

Diameter is 34m

Height 27m

Hello, if you go on your teachers message board and click on lessons, you can see the key for geometry formulas. for the formula of the cylinder it’s, “pi times radius times radius times height. which is 3.14x34^2x27= _____. Hope that helped you!!

To find the volume of a cylinder, you can use the formula V = πr^2h, where V represents the volume, π represents the mathematical constant Pi (approximately 3.14), r represents the radius of the base, and h represents the height.

In this case, you are given the diameter as 34m. The diameter is the length of a straight line passing through the center of the cylinder and connecting two points on the opposite sides of the base. The radius (r) is half the diameter, so you can calculate r by dividing the diameter by 2:

r = 34m / 2 = 17m

Next, you know the height (h) of the cylinder is 27m.

Now, you have all the necessary values to calculate the volume of the cylinder:

V = πr^2h
V = 3.14 * (17m)^2 * 27m
V = 3.14 * 289m^2 * 27m
V = 3.14 * 7824m^3
V ≈ 24,528.96m^3

Therefore, the volume of the cylinder is approximately 24,528.96 cubic meters.

Volume of cylinder = π(r^2)(h)

plug in your values.