Posted by rfvv on Friday, November 4, 2016 at 11:17pm.

Oh Lordy, how my heart grows weary, far from the old folks at home.
This is a sentence in the song "Swanee River.

Q1: " What is the meaning of "Lordy" here? Is Lordy one of his friends' name?

Q2: Who are 'the old folks'? Are they the songwriter's father and mother? •English - Writeacher, Saturday, November 5, 2016 at 8:24am
No, "Oh Lordy" is just an old-time way of saying "Oh God."

And "old folks" could mean his parents or simply refer to all the people he knew in his hometown.
Thank you for your help.

Does 'at home' mean 'in his own house' or 'in his own neighbourhood, town, or country' here?

"at home" means back in his home town, not a particular building.

To determine the meaning of "at home" in the context of the sentence, you need to consider the overall meaning and tone of the song "Swanee River." The phrase "far from the old folks at home" suggests a sense of longing or yearning for a familiar place or the people he knows.

Based on this understanding, it is more likely that "at home" refers to the songwriter's own neighborhood, town, or country rather than just his own house. The use of the word "folks" implies a collective reference to people, which aligns with the idea that he is missing a community or group of individuals rather than solely his immediate family.

In songs, lyrics can often be open to interpretation, so the precise meaning of "at home" may vary slightly depending on the listener's perspective or personal connection to the lyrics.