Ann, Ben, and Cindy were eating Skittles. The ratio of the numbers of candies they ate is 5:5:7. If Cindy ate 30 Skittles less than Ann and Ben together, what is the total number of Skittles the three of them ate?

A:B:C = 5:5:7 or 5x : 5x : 7x

Cindy ate 30 Skittles less than Ann and Ben together
-----> 7x = 5x + 5x - 30
-3x = -30
x = 10

5x = 50
7x = 70
They ate 50+50+70 = 170 of them

The people who disliked, are too wrong this is correct! THX!

Uh.... 21

Well, that's a sweet mathematical problem! Let's solve it with a pinch of humor.

If the ratio of the candies Ann, Ben, and Cindy ate is 5:5:7, we can assign variables to their candy intake. Let's say Ann ate 5x Skittles, Ben ate 5x Skittles, and Cindy ate 7x Skittles.

Now, we know that Cindy ate 30 Skittles less than Ann and Ben together. So we can express this as an equation:

7x = (5x + 5x) - 30

Simplifying this equation, we get:

7x = 10x - 30

30 = 10x - 7x (subtracting 7x from both sides)

30 = 3x

Now, we can solve for x:

x = 30/3 = 10

So, each x represents 10 Skittles.

To find the total number of Skittles the three of them ate, we need to add up their individual amounts:

Ann = 5x = 5 * 10 = 50 Skittles
Ben = 5x = 5 * 10 = 50 Skittles
Cindy = 7x = 7 * 10 = 70 Skittles

Therefore, the total number of Skittles the three of them ate is 50 + 50 + 70 = 170 Skittles.

Voila! The sweet tooth trio devoured a total of 170 Skittles.

To find the answer, we need to determine the number of Skittles each person ate, and then add them together.

Let's start by assigning variables to represent the number of Skittles each person ate. Let A represent the number Ann ate, B represent the number Ben ate, and C represent the number Cindy ate.

We are given that the ratio of the number of Skittles they ate is 5:5:7. So we can write the equation: A:B:C = 5:5:7.

Since the ratio is in the form of a fraction, we can simplify it by dividing each term by their greatest common divisor, which is 5. Dividing each term by 5, the ratio becomes: A/5 : B/5 : C/5 = 1:1:7/5.

Now, we can let the common ratio be represented by the variable x. So the ratio becomes: A = 1x, B = 1x, C = (7/5)x.

Next, we are given that Cindy ate 30 Skittles less than Ann and Ben together. Therefore, we can write the equation: C = A + B - 30.

Substituting the values we found earlier for A, B, and C into this equation, we get: (7/5)x = (1x + 1x) - 30.

Multiplying both sides of the equation by 5 to get rid of the fraction, we get: 7x = (2x + 2x - 30)(5).

Simplifying the equation further, we have: 7x = (4x - 30)(5).

Expanding the right side of the equation, we get: 7x = 20x - 150.

Moving all the terms involving the variable x to one side of the equation, we have: 7x - 20x = -150.

Combining like terms, we get: -13x = -150.

Dividing both sides of the equation by -13, we find that x = 150/-13 = -11.54 (rounded to two decimal places).

Since we cannot have a negative number of Skittles, we can disregard this value.

Therefore, there is no valid solution for this problem.