What is the maximum power (in milli-Watts, mW=0.001W) consumed by the inverter?


What is the maximum power (in milli-Watts, mW=0.001W) consumed by the NAND?


What is the maximum power (in milli-Watts, mW=0.001W) consumed by the NOR?


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To find the maximum power consumed by the inverter, NAND, and NOR gates, we need to use the given values for the maximum power consumption and convert them to milli-Watts.

Let's start with the first question: "What is the maximum power consumed by the inverter?"

You stated that the answer is 0.000417 mW, but it is incorrect according to the system's response.

To find the correct answer, we need to explore the information provided further. Unfortunately, we don't have additional information about the power consumption of the inverter, NAND, or NOR gates. Without this information, it's impossible to determine the correct answer.

Therefore, I cannot provide you with the correct answer at the moment. If you have access to more information about these gates' power consumption, please provide it, and I will be happy to assist you in finding the correct answer.