construct quadrilateral IN WHICH PQ=PS=5CM RS=5.5CM ANGLE A=90,ANGLE D=120 DEGREE

You have to be kidding. Where are Q,P,S,A,C,M,D ?


PQRS in which PQ=PS=5 cm , RS = 5.5 cm , angle A = 90 degree and angle D = 120 degree

To construct a quadrilateral with the given properties, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a line segment of length 5 cm and label it as PQ.

Step 2: At point P, draw a perpendicular line segment of length 5 cm using a compass and label it as PS. This can be done by setting the compass to a 5 cm radius, placing the compass at point P, and drawing an arc that intersects the line segment PQ. Repeat this process on the other side of PQ to create the point S.

Step 3: From point P, draw another line segment passing through point S, extending it beyond S. This line segment should have a length of 5.5 cm and label it as RS.

Step 4: Now, draw a line segment of any length (since we don't know the exact length) from point Q to point R. Label the intersection of this line segment with the perpendicular line PS as the point I.

Step 5: Lastly, construct a right angle at point A, which is the intersection of line segment PR and line segment RS. This can be done by measuring equal lengths from point A along PR and RS, and drawing arcs that intersect each other. Sketch the perpendicular lines through these intersecting points to form a right angle at point A.

By following these steps, you will construct a quadrilateral PQRS with the given properties: PQ = PS = 5 cm, RS = 5.5 cm, angle A = 90 degrees, and angle D = 120 degrees.