a salesman has a 42% chance of a sale at his first stop and a 42% chance at his second stop and a 14% chance at both stops what are the odds he will make a sale only at the first stop

To find the odds that the salesman will make a sale only at the first stop, we need to subtract the probability that he makes a sale at both stops from the probability that he makes a sale at the first stop.

First, let's calculate the probability that he makes a sale at the first stop: 42%.

Next, let's calculate the probability that he makes a sale at both stops: 14%.

To find the probability that he makes a sale only at the first stop, we subtract the probability of making a sale at both stops from the probability of making a sale at the first stop:

Probability of sale only at first stop = Probability of sale at first stop - Probability of sale at both stops
= 42% - 14%
= 28%

Therefore, the odds that the salesman will make a sale only at the first stop are 28%.