Do companies have only one revenue account?

No, companies typically have multiple revenue accounts. Revenue accounts are used to record the income generated from different sources or activities within a company.

Different types of revenue accounts can include:

1. Sales Revenue: This account records the revenue generated from the sale of products or services to customers. It is the most common type of revenue account.

2. Rental Income: If a company earns revenue from renting out properties, such as office space or equipment, it would have a separate rental income account to track that revenue.

3. Commission Income: If a company earns commission income from selling products or services on behalf of other businesses, it would have a commission income account.

4. Interest Income: If a company earns interest from bank deposits, loans, or investments, it would have an interest income account.

5. Licensing or Royalty Income: If a company earns revenue from licensing its intellectual property or collecting royalties, it would have a separate account to track that income.

These are just a few examples, but the number and types of revenue accounts may vary depending on the company's specific activities and sources of income. It is important to have separate revenue accounts to accurately track and analyze the company's revenue streams.