Help! Modern news from ancient lands. Summarized news story completely using who, what, when, where, and why. Analyze the connections between ancient history and current events in the news story. Don't understand this at all.

It sounds as if you've been given a current article from a newspaper, newsmagazine, or news website. Yes? No?

If so, then ...

1. Summarize news story completely using who, what, when, where, and why.

2. Analyze the connections between ancient history and current events in the news story.

Or --

You are to write a news story about an event in ancient history. Think about the death of King Tut, the construction of the pyramids, the Romans conquer Gaul, the death of Julius Caesar, the founding of Carthage by the Phoenicians, or ??

To summarize a news story using the elements of who, what, when, where, and why, you need to gather the key details from the article or news report. Let me break it down for you:

1. Who: Identify the key individuals or groups involved in the news story. This could include politicians, activists, organizations, or any other relevant parties.

2. What: Determine the main events or incidents described in the news story. Focus on the significant actions or developments that are being reported.

3. When: Note the specific time frame or date range for the events in the news story. This will help provide context and make the story more comprehensive.

4. Where: Identify the geographic location(s) where the events in the news story took place. This could be a specific city, country, or region.

5. Why: Understand the underlying reasons or motivations behind the events. Look for any causes, purposes, or intentions that led to the situation being reported.

Now, connecting ancient history to current events in the news story involves recognizing any parallels, similarities, or references to historical events or civilizations. This can be done by examining:

1. Historical context: Look for any references to past events, civilizations, or cultural contexts that have relevance to the current news story. This may involve identifying historical figures, ancient civilizations, or significant milestones.

2. Cause and effect: Explore any links between past events and their impact on the present situation. This could involve tracing the historical roots of current conflicts, policies, or societal issues.

3. Lessons learned: Consider how knowledge of ancient history can provide insights or lessons that are applicable to the current news story. This could involve identifying patterns, precedents, or historical mistakes that should be avoided or learned from.

Analyzing the connections between ancient history and modern news requires research, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of both historical and current events. It may involve examining primary and secondary sources, consulting expert opinions, and connecting various pieces of information.