How much should you invest at 4.4% simple interest in order to earn $85 interest in 11 months?

To find out how much you should invest at 4.4% simple interest in order to earn $85 interest in 11 months, we can use the formula for simple interest:

I = P * r * t

I = Interest earned
P = Principal amount (the amount you should invest)
r = Interest rate
t = Time in years

In this case, we know the interest earned (I) is $85, the interest rate (r) is 4.4% (which is equivalent to 0.044), and the time (t) is 11 months (which is equivalent to 11/12 of a year).

Let's substitute these values into the formula and solve for P:

85 = P * 0.044 * (11/12)

To isolate P, we divide both sides of the equation by (0.044 * (11/12)):

85 / (0.044 * (11/12)) = P

Now, let's calculate the principal amount (P):

P = 85 / (0.044 * (11/12))

P ≈ 846.59

Therefore, you should invest approximately $846.59 to earn $85 interest at 4.4% simple interest in 11 months.


85 = P * 0.044 * 0.9167