1. Do you know the zip code for Dokdo?

2. Do you know what the zip code for Dokdo is?

3. Do you knwo what is the zip code for Dokdo?

4. What is the zip code for Dokdo?

(Which questions are correct?)

All are correct, but obviously 4 is the best.

There are errors in #3. Do you see them?


All four questions are grammatically correct, but the third question contains a typo. "Do you knwo what is the zip code for Dokdo?" should be "Do you know what is the zip code for Dokdo?"

As for providing an answer, you can find the zip code for Dokdo by searching for it online or checking with the official postal service of the country to which Dokdo belongs. However, please note that Dokdo is a disputed territory between South Korea and Japan, and the zip code may vary depending on which country's postal system you are referring to.