Homework Help: Math

Posted by Blob on Sunday, November 13, 2016 at 1:23pm.

Steven is moving to another city next weekend and wants to rent a moving truck. The rental rates for two companies in his area are shown below. Each company charges an initial fee for renting the truck, plus an additional amount per mile.

Company 1:
Miles: 30 Rental Charge: $53.55
Miles: 60 Rental Charge: $87.15
Miles: 90 Rental Charge: $120.75
Miles: 120 Rental Charge: $154.35
Miles: 150 Rental Charge: $187.35

Company 2:
Miles: 25 Rental Charge: $56.75
Miles: 50 Rental Charge: $78.00
Miles: 75 Rental Charge: $99.25
Miles: 100 Rental Charge: $120.50
Miles: 125 Rental Charge: $141.75

I'm supposed to figure out much they charge per mile.

To figure out how much each company charges per mile, we can use the given information.

Let's start with Company 1. We can see that the rental charge increases by $33.60 ($87.15 - $53.55) when the number of miles increases by 30 (from 30 to 60). Therefore, the additional charge for every 30 miles is $33.60.

To find out how much they charge per mile, we can divide the additional charge by the number of miles. So, $33.60 divided by 30 miles gives us the rate of $1.12 per mile.

For Company 2, the rental charge increases by $21.25 ($78.00 - $56.75) when the number of miles increases by 25 (from 25 to 50). Therefore, the additional charge for every 25 miles is $21.25.

To find out how much they charge per mile, we can divide the additional charge by the number of miles. So, $21.25 divided by 25 miles gives us the rate of $0.85 per mile.

Therefore, Company 1 charges $1.12 per mile, while Company 2 charges $0.85 per mile.
