A divided by B = 12 … 4, if A and B reduce 10 times at the same time, find the value of new quotient and remainder of the equation.

12 ... 4/10

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To find the new quotient and remainder of the equation when both A and B are reduced by 10 times, we need to understand the given equation and perform the necessary calculations.

The equation A divided by B equals 12 with a remainder of 4 can be written as:

A = 12B + 4

Now, let's reduce both A and B by 10 times:

New A = A / 10
New B = B / 10

Substituting the new values into the original equation:

New A = (12B + 4) / 10
New B = B / 10

To find the new quotient, we divide New A by New B:

New Quotient = New A / New B
= (12B + 4) / 10B

To find the new remainder, we divide the new numerator (12B + 4) by the new denominator (10B) and obtain the remainder:

New Remainder = (12B + 4) % 10B

So, the value of the new quotient is (12B + 4) / 10B, and the value of the new remainder is (12B + 4) % 10B.