In a standard set of dominoes, a face of each domino has a line through the center, with 0 to 6 dots on each side of the line. Each possible combination of dots is used exactly once, one combination per domino. What is the probability that a randomly selected domino will have the same number of dots on both sides of the line? Express your answer as a common fraction.

I thought the answer was 1/7 did I make a mistake?

7/28 = ?

is 1/4 i dont know how to solve it but i had the same question and my teacher told me it was 1/4

pattern 1/6 and 6/1 is the same domino, so total is 28 dominos.

To determine the probability that a randomly selected domino will have the same number of dots on both sides of the line, we need to calculate the number of dominoes with the same number of dots on both sides and divide it by the total number of dominoes.

In a standard set of dominoes, there are seven possible combinations for the number of dots on each side: 0-0, 0-1, 0-2, 0-3, 0-4, 0-5, and 0-6.

Out of these seven combinations, only one combination has the same number of dots on both sides of the line: 0-0.

So, the number of dominoes with the same number of dots on both sides is 1.

The total number of dominoes in a standard set is 28 since there are 7 possible combinations for the left side and 7 for the right side, resulting in 7*7=49 combinations. However, we need to divide this by 2 since each unique combination is represented twice (e.g. 0-1 and 1-0).

Therefore, the total number of dominoes is 28.

To find the probability, we divide the number of dominoes with the same number of dots on both sides by the total number of dominoes:

Probability = Number of dominoes with same number of dots on both sides / Total number of dominoes = 1/28.

Hence, the correct probability is 1/28, not 1/7.