The United States wanted overseas territories because the territories had

A:Access to ports

B:Access to raw materials***

C:Connections with European nations

D:Better employment opportunities

Yes, B

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To determine the correct answer, we need to consider the reasons why the United States wanted overseas territories. In this case, the United States' interest in acquiring overseas territories primarily reflected its desire for economic and strategic advantages.

To get the answer, we can examine historical records, primary sources, and academic articles related to the US acquisition of overseas territories. This can include the study of historical events such as the Spanish-American War and America's imperialistic expansion during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

When we examine these historical sources, we find that the United States wanted overseas territories mainly for their access to raw materials. This allowed the US to secure sources of important resources, such as oil, minerals, agricultural products, and other materials needed for industrial production. By gaining control over territories with valuable resources, the United States aimed to ensure a steady supply of these materials for domestic consumption and economic development.

Therefore, the correct answer is B: Access to raw materials.