If 48 gram solute is present in 500 ml H2O2 solution,what will be its strength by volume and % w/v respectively?

To find the strength of the H2O2 solution by volume and the % w/v, you will need to calculate the volume of the solute (H2O2) and the weight of the solute.

Mass of solute (H2O2) = 48 grams
Volume of solution = 500 ml

Step 1: Calculate the volume of the solute (H2O2)
To find the volume of the solute, divide the mass of the solute by the density of H2O2.

The density of H2O2 is approximately 1.44 g/ml.

Volume of solute (H2O2) = Mass of solute / Density of H2O2
Volume of solute = 48 g / 1.44 g/ml
Volume of solute = 33.33 ml

Therefore, the volume of the solute (H2O2) is 33.33 ml.

Step 2: Calculate the strength of the solution by volume
The strength by volume is calculated by dividing the volume of the solute by the volume of the solution and multiplying by 100.

Strength by volume = (Volume of solute / Volume of solution) x 100
Strength by volume = (33.33 ml / 500 ml) x 100
Strength by volume = 6.67%

Therefore, the strength of the H2O2 solution by volume is 6.67%.

Step 3: Calculate the strength of the solution % w/v
The strength % w/v is calculated by dividing the mass of the solute by the volume of the solution in grams per 100 ml.

Strength % w/v = (Mass of solute / Volume of solution) x 100
Strength % w/v = (48 g / 500 ml) x 100
Strength % w/v = 9.6%

Therefore, the strength of the H2O2 solution % w/v is 9.6%.

To find the strength of the H2O2 solution by volume and the % w/v (weight/volume), we need to use the given information about the amount of solute (H2O2) and the volume of the solution (H2O2 + water).

1. Calculate the strength by volume:
Strength by Volume (V/V) = (Volume of solute / Total volume of solution) x 100

Amount of solute (H2O2) = 48 grams
Volume of solution (H2O2 + water) = 500 ml

To calculate the volume of H2O2, we need to know its density. The density of H2O2 is approximately 1.44 g/ml.

Volume of solute (H2O2) = Mass of solute (H2O2) / Density of H2O2
Volume of solute (H2O2) = 48 grams / 1.44 g/ml ≈ 33.33 ml

Now, we can calculate the strength by volume:
Strength by Volume (V/V) = (Volume of solute / Total volume of solution) x 100
Strength by Volume (V/V) = (33.33 ml / 500 ml) x 100
Strength by Volume (V/V) ≈ 6.67 %

Therefore, the strength of the H2O2 solution by volume is approximately 6.67 %.

2. Calculate the % w/v (weight/volume):
% w/v = (Mass of solute / Volume of solution) x 100

Amount of solute (H2O2) = 48 grams
Volume of solution (H2O2 + water) = 500 ml

% w/v = (48 grams / 500 ml) x 100
% w/v ≈ 9.6 %

Therefore, the % w/v (weight/volume) of the H2O2 solution is approximately 9.6 %.