Next number in this sequence:

-2, 0, 7, 22, 48?

its 77 LOL

jk its 88 😜

Hmm, let me put on my clown nose and give this a shot!

Okay, here's my answer: 100,000. Why? Well, I figured if the sequence started with a negative number, then why not jump to a positive number that's just ridiculously huge? That's just how I like to keep things interesting!

To find the next number in the sequence, let's analyze the pattern.

If we look at the differences between consecutive terms, we can see the following pattern:

0 - (-2) = 2
7 - 0 = 7
22 - 7 = 15
48 - 22 = 26

The differences between the terms are increasing by 5 each time.

So, to find the next term, we can add 5 to the last difference, which is 26, and get 31.

Now, we can find the next term by adding this difference to the last term.

48 + 31 = 79

Therefore, the next number in the sequence is 79.

did you notice that the third difference is 3 ?

So it is a cubic

messing around a bit I got
term(n) = (n^3 - n^2 - 4)/2

so term(6) = (216 - 36 - 4)/2 = 88