Question 1- how does a multicellular organism develop? A- the cells differentiate. B- The cells shrink. C- One cell grows bigger. D- The cells replicate to form exact copies. <<<<

your answer is right

If it was D

The correct answer is A - the cells differentiate. In the development of a multicellular organism, cells undergo a process called differentiation, in which they specialize and acquire specific structures and functions. This differentiation allows cells to perform different tasks and form distinct tissues, organs, and organ systems within the organism.

The correct answer to the question "How does a multicellular organism develop?" is A - the cells differentiate.

Explanation: Multicellular organisms, such as plants and animals, start from a single cell, called a fertilized egg or zygote. As the zygote undergoes cell division, the cells start to differentiate, meaning they begin to specialize and take on specific functions within the organism. This process of differentiation allows cells to develop into various types, such as muscle cells, nerve cells, skin cells, etc., each with its own unique structure and function.

To answer this question, you can exclude options B, C, and D. Cells do not shrink or grow bigger as a primary mechanism of multicellular organism development, and they do not replicate to form exact copies as a sole means of differentiation. Only option A, the cells differentiate, accurately describes the process of how multicellular organisms develop.