Place a counter over the children. Draw the counter. Dont not what im suppose to do though.

Cannot draw here. Also, with your limited data, we don't know what you are supposed to do either.

wow you've been on here for three years can you help me

To place a counter over the children, you would need to physically position the counter on top of the children. Assuming you are referring to a physical counter or token, such as a small circular disc, you would typically place it directly on a surface where the children are located.

If you want to draw a counter instead, you can use pen and paper or any drawing tool you have available. Here's a simple way to draw a counter:

1. Take a blank sheet of paper or open a drawing application on your computer or mobile device.
2. Choose a suitable size for your counter. It can be any shape you like, but for simplicity, let's consider a circle.
3. Start by drawing a perfect circle. You can use a compass, trace a circular object, or use a drawing tool with a circle shape.
4. Next, add any features you want on your counter, such as numbers, symbols, or patterns. These can help identify or differentiate the counter if needed.
5. Color your counter if desired, using markers, colored pencils, or any other coloring tool you have available.
6. Once you are finished with the drawing, you can place it over the children or hold it above them to achieve the desired effect.

If you have any specific requirements or intentions with placing a counter over the children, please provide more context or clarify your question for a more detailed response.