1. Which of these numbers can be classified as both real and rational?

A. 1/2 ***
B. -1.016879413894
C. √5
D. 0.89089908999

2.Which is both a real number and an integer?

A. √7
B. 0.15
C. -15 ***
D. 1/3

3. What is an example of an irrational number?

A. -√16
B. √25
C. -√64
D. -√101 ***

4. Which statement is false?

A. Every integer is a real number.
B. Every real number is a rational number. ***
C. Every positive rational number has a square root.
D. Every integer is a rational number.

Your correct! I got 100%


They are Correct.

Your correct

you guys just kept me from having to go to a brick and mortar school. If i failed that quick check my mom was disconnecting me! You are life savers

nvm I take that back it is correct for the practice not the quick check

crap okay so i did what Madelyn said but i did it for the quick check and got a 25%

Ahh thank you! 100%~

madelyn is correct or conexous

o o f

oh no, i got a 100??