the unit of energy in S.I units is?

a. watt
b. joule
c. joule/s
d. joule/m
e. joule m

! I'll delete any further posts that don't include your answers.

Ms. Sue ,

please help me because my assignment so I need just over sure ans .
thank u

Have you Googled these questions? What did you find?

Btw -- I've never taken physics!


The correct unit of energy in the SI system is the joule. To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the concept of energy and the SI unit system.

Energy is the capacity to do work or produce heat and is measured in joules. The joule (symbol: J) is the base unit of energy in the International System of Units (SI). It is named after the English physicist James Prescott Joule, who made significant contributions to the study of heat and energy in the 19th century.

To remember the correct unit, it is helpful to recall the relationships between energy, work, and heat. Work is a transfer of energy that occurs when an object is moved by a force acting upon it, and heat is a form of energy transfer due to a temperature difference. Both work and heat are measured in joules, making it the appropriate unit for energy in the SI system.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is b. joule.