The track at Bronwyn's school is 1/4 mile around.If she can do 3 laps in 4 1/2 minutes,how fast is she running in miles per hour

To determine Bronwyn's speed in miles per hour, we need to first calculate the total distance she covers in 4 1/2 minutes. Since Bronwyn can do 3 laps around the track, we multiply the distance of one lap (1/4 mile) by three:

Distance covered in 4 1/2 minutes = (1/4) mile * 3 = 3/4 mile

Next, we need to convert the time of 4 1/2 minutes to hours. We know that there are 60 minutes in an hour, so:

4 1/2 minutes = 4.5 minutes = 4.5/60 hours

To find Bronwyn's speed in miles per hour, we divide the distance covered by the time taken:

Speed = Distance / Time = (3/4) mile ÷ (4.5/60) hours

To simplify the calculation, we can multiply the numerator and denominator by 60/1 to eliminate the fraction in the denominator:

Speed = (3/4) mile × (60/4.5) hours

Now we can simplify the expression:

Speed = (3/4) × (60/4.5) = 3 × 60 / (4 × 4.5) = 180 / 18 = 10 miles per hour

Therefore, Bronwyn is running at a speed of 10 miles per hour.

rate = distance/time

= 3(.25)miles / 4.5 min
but 4.5 min = 4.5/60 hrs = .0075 hrs

= .75/.0075 mph
= 10 mph