In a-c, explain what would happen to a figure if you transformed it using the given rule.

a. (3x, 6y)

b. (x+2, y+1)

c. (2x, 2y +5)

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To understand what would happen to a figure when transformed using these given rules, we need to look at each component of the rule.

a. (3x, 6y):
In this rule, each x-coordinate of the figure is multiplied by 3, and each y-coordinate is multiplied by 6. This means that the figure will be stretched horizontally by a factor of 3 and vertically by a factor of 6. The original shape will be expanded in both directions.

b. (x+2, y+1):
In this rule, each x-coordinate of the figure is shifted 2 units to the right, and each y-coordinate is shifted 1 unit upwards. This means that the figure will be translated 2 units to the right and 1 unit upwards. The original shape will be moved in the positive x and y directions.

c. (2x, 2y + 5):
In this rule, each x-coordinate of the figure is multiplied by 2, and each y-coordinate is multiplied by 2 and then increased by 5. This means that the figure will be stretched horizontally by a factor of 2 and vertically by a factor of 2. Additionally, the figure will be shifted 5 units upwards. The original shape will be expanded in both directions and moved upwards.

Remember, these explanations assume that we are transforming each point of the figure individually. To fully understand the impact of these rules on a figure, it would be best to apply them to specific coordinates or points of the figure.