1. A comparison-and-Contrast essay uses which of the following elements?

(Select all that apply)

A. two subjects that are similar and different

B. an opinion to change the readers mind

C. supporting factual details

D. the relationship between cause and effect

E. a main character that learns throughout the story

2. Why would you do research to prepare for a personal comparison and contrast essay?

A. To find additional examples to support your main idea

B. To find people to interview from your family

C. To find references for your essay

D. To evaluate websites

3. Why is it important to use an orginaztional pattern in comparison-and-contrast essays

A. To provide an outline of your essay

B. To provide details supporting the statements

C. To demonstrate your thesis

D. To clearly show the relationship between the items you are comparing


1. A,C

2. A

3. D

Idk I think get other people on here for real

For the Connexus people out there

1. A and C
2. A
3. D

It's a 100% for lesson 8 unit 4

Enjoy the cheating of life sweet summer children

1. A and C


yep ac a d

All are correct, yes.

If you are in connexus go with love^^

The answers are for lesson 8 unit 3

1 a and c

2 b
3 d

For conexus lesson 8 unit 3

1. a and c

2. a
3. d

its ac a d

C.A is wrong it's


I got a 100