has anyone read Harrison Bergeron????if soo please come help me!


the callof the wild to be an allegory, which one of the following statements would be like

on page 14 of the callof the wild ,whats meant by the pharase

hi do u still have any answers to this. im currently trying to help others but im stuck ... look up susanbabies1 and that's at myspace if u can help

I can definitely help you with your questions!

Regarding "Harrison Bergeron," it is a short story written by Kurt Vonnegut. To find people who may have read it or discuss it, you can try joining online book clubs or forums dedicated to literature. You can also search for book review websites like Goodreads or Amazon, where you can find reviews and discussions about the story.

Now, about "The Call of the Wild," it is a novel by Jack London. If you want to analyze it as an allegory, you would need to find elements in the story that symbolize or represent abstract ideas. For example, a statement like "Buck's journey from domestication to wilderness represents the human struggle for freedom and self-discovery" could be seen as an allegorical interpretation. To support or elaborate on this statement, you would need to provide specific examples from the book.

As for the specific phrase on page 14 of "The Call of the Wild," I need the exact phrase or context to provide an explanation. Please provide the specific phrase or a brief description of the context in which it appears.

Lastly, I apologize, but I am unable to look up information on specific individuals or their profiles on social media platforms like Myspace. My purpose is to provide general information and guidance for questions. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!