Fill the ? with a whole number to give a fraction whose value lies between 5 and 6. 58/?

? = 10

58/10 = 5.8 = 5 8/10 = 5 4/5

To find a fraction whose value lies between 5 and 6, we need to consider the different fractions that can be formed by replacing the "?" with different whole numbers. Let's evaluate the fraction 58/? with various whole numbers until we find a value between 5 and 6.

For example:
- If we substitute "?" with 1, the fraction becomes 58/1 which is equal to 58. Since 58 is greater than 5 and 6, it doesn't fit our requirement.
- If we substitute "?" with 2, the fraction becomes 58/2 which is equal to 29. 29 is less than 5, so it also doesn't fit our requirement.
- If we substitute "?" with 3, the fraction becomes 58/3 which is approximately equal to 19.33. 19.33 is less than 5, so it doesn't meet our requirement.
- If we substitute "?" with 4, the fraction becomes 58/4 which is equal to 14.5. 14.5 is greater than 5 but less than 6, so it fulfills the requirement.

Therefore, by replacing the "?" with the whole number 4, we get the fraction 58/4 which lies between 5 and 6.