The remainder is a fraction (remainder/divisor).

Why don't you use a calculator...for instance, 31/7 is 4 r 3, but it is easy enought to just put 31 divide by 7 in the calc.

I have to solve a proportion, and the answer I come up with has a remainder. I know I need to make the remainder a decimal, but I forgot how. How do I convert the remainder into a decimal?

To convert a remainder into a decimal, you can divide the remainder by the divisor. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Divide the remainder by the divisor.
Example: Let's say you have a remainder of 3 and a divisor of 7. You would divide 3 by 7.

2. Calculate the division and express it as a decimal.
Example: In this case, 3 divided by 7 is approximately 0.42857142857142855.

So, in this case, the decimal representation of the remainder 3 would be 0.42857142857142855.

Using a calculator can also provide you with the decimal directly, as you mentioned. However, it's always good to understand how to manually convert a remainder into a decimal in case you don't have access to a calculator or for educational purposes.