how many 1/4 litres are there in 3.5 litres?

3.5 / 0.25 = ?

(7/2)/(1/4) = 7/2 * 4 = 14

There are 7 half-liters.
Each one contains 2 1/4-liters.

To find out how many 1/4 liters are there in 3.5 liters, you need to divide the total volume by the fraction value.

First, convert 3.5 liters to a common denominator with the fraction value of 1/4. Since 1 liter is equivalent to 4/4 liters, you can rewrite 3.5 liters as 14/4 liters.

Next, divide the total volume in 14/4 liters by the fraction value of 1/4. To divide fractions, you invert the divisor and multiply. So, the calculation would be as follows:

(14/4) ÷ (1/4) = 14/4 × 4/1

Multiplying the numerators (14 × 4) gives you 56, and multiplying the denominators (4 × 1) gives you 4.

Therefore, 3.5 liters is equivalent to 56 1/4 liters.