Which of the following sets of ordered pairs represents a function?

^dont get this one..

Which expression is equal to


x^2+-2x+4 <__


which expression is equal to

6x^2+5 <--

what is the value of (gof)(4)?


what is the value of f^-1(-4)
-45 < yeah I really don't get this one neither.

Look up the definition of a function in your text or in your notes.

In a nutshell, it says that for every x there is one and only one y value
So, if you see two or more y values for the same x, then it is NOT a function
e.g. in the first I see (5,2) and (5,10) , so NOT a function
What do you notice about the others ?

then (f+g)(x) =x^2 + 3 + x - 1
= x^2 + x + 2

#3 correct

= g(f(4)) ---> f(4) = 16-7 = 9
= g(9) = 9+3 = 12

#5 f^-1 (x) means the inverse of the function

so if f(x) = 10x - 5
y = 10x - 5
inverse: interchange the x and y variables,
x = 10y - 5
now solve this for y
10y = x+5
y = (x+5)/10
f^-1 (x) = (x+5)/10
f^-1 (-4) = (-4+5)/10 = 1/10 = 0.1

notice when you compare y = 10x-5 and y = (x+5)/10
you are performing the inverse of each operation in reverse order
that is,
in the first: given any x you would first multiply it by 10 then subtract 5
for the inverse: given any x you would first add 5, then divide by 10
That is true for all inverses, and after doing a few you should be able to get the inverse without any steps.

Thank you again.

To determine which sets of ordered pairs represent a function, we need to check if each x-value is paired with a unique y-value.

Let's analyze each set:

1. {(5,2),(2,6),(5,10),(1,2)}
In this set, the value of x=5 is paired with both y=2 and y=10. Therefore, this set does not represent a function.

2. {(-3,2),(2,6),(5,2),(1,7)}
Every x-value in this set is paired with a unique y-value. Therefore, this set represents a function.

3. {(-3,2),(2,6),(5,10),(2,-1)}
Here, the value of x=2 is paired with both y=6 and y=-1. Hence, this set does not represent a function.

Therefore, the second set, {(-3,2),(2,6),(5,2),(1,7)}, is the set that represents a function.

Moving on to the second question:

We are given two functions, f(x) = x^2 + 3 and g(x) = x - 1. We need to find (f+g)(x), which means we need to find the sum of f(x) and g(x).

(f+g)(x) = f(x) + g(x)
= (x^2 + 3) + (x - 1)
= x^2 + x + 2

Therefore, the expression that is equal to (f+g)(x) is x^2 + x + 2.

Next, let's determine the expression equal to (Fog)(x), where f(x) = 2x + 5 and g(x) = 3x^2:

(Fog)(x) = f(g(x))
= f(3x^2)
= 2(3x^2) + 5
= 6x^2 + 5

Hence, the expression equal to (Fog)(x) is 6x^2 + 5.

For the fourth question:

We are given f(x) = 4x - 7 and g(x) = x + 3. We need to find the value of (gof)(4), which means we need to compose the functions in the order g(f(x)) and evaluate it at x = 4.

gof(x) = g(f(x))
= g(4x - 7)
= (4x - 7) + 3
= 4x - 4

To find the value of (gof)(4), we substitute x = 4 in the expression:

(gof)(4) = 4(4) - 4
= 16 - 4
= 12

Therefore, the value of (gof)(4) is 12.

Lastly, for the fifth question:

We have f(x) = 10x - 5, and we need to find the value of f^-1(-4), which means we need to find the inverse of f(x) and evaluate it at x = -4.

To find the inverse of f(x), we need to switch the x and y variables and solve for y:

x = 10y - 5
10y = x + 5
y = (x + 5)/10

Therefore, the inverse of f(x) is f^-1(x) = (x + 5)/10.

To find the value of f^-1(-4), we substitute x = -4 in the expression:

f^-1(-4) = (-4 + 5)/10
= 1/10
= 0.1

Hence, the value of f^-1(-4) is 0.1.