While Jeanne and Paul are generally a happy married couple, they do struggle over one point of__________.They disagree as to how their family


The emphasis on presents, says Jeanne, "has made the season _____________ for all those mercenary retailers who overcharge at holiday time. Also, people who should be watching their expenses create unnecessary _____________s in their budgets by squandering money on unimportant gifts." She complains that exchanging presents at Christmas is practically________, whether or not one believes in the holidays religious significance. Jeanne__________ to keep her home free of all such non religious significance and thus wants her children to _____ from traditions such as gift giving and dyeing Easter eggs. She feels the family's money would be better spent if it were donated to a ________ organization for helping the poor Some of Jeanne's neighbors assume that she is a(n)____________ because of her lack of holiday spirit. They are wrong, however. Jeanne believes in God and is _____(e)d with a church

Hmmm -- I don't see YOUR answers.

What are your choices?

To find the missing word, we need to carefully analyze the sentence. In this case, we can see that the sentence is incomplete, and the missing word is connected to Jeanne and Paul's disagreement about their family.

Since we do not have any context or further information in the question, it is impossible to determine the missing word. However, the sentence suggests that Jeanne and Paul disagree about something related to their family. The missing word could be an aspect of parenting, division of household chores, decision-making, financial matters, or any other issue that commonly arises in a marriage and involves the family.

To resolve this, it would be best to ask Jeanne and Paul directly or to provide more information or context to pin down the specific disagreement they have about their family.