It is a riddle:

We see it every morning, it has very many colours. At one point we all have in our lives
Please help me solve this riddle and an explanation of it.




The answer to the riddle is "Rainbow." A rainbow is a colorful natural phenomenon that occurs when sunlight is refracted, or bent, by water droplets in the air, creating a spectrum of colors. It typically appears in the sky after rain showers and is often described as a semi-circular arc with different colors, usually red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.

To solve this riddle, you need to think about something that is seen in the morning and has many colors. Additionally, the riddle mentions that "at one point, we all have it in our lives," which is referring to the fact that most people will see a rainbow at some point in their lives.

To find the answer, one can analyze the clues provided in the riddle. The mentioning of "morning" suggests that the object being described is visible during that time of day. The reference to "many colors" further narrows down the possibilities. By connecting these clues, the answer "rainbow" emerges as the most fitting option.