which of these prices is lower than 5 for $3.00

All of them.

Which of these prices is lower than 5 for $3.00

Which of these prices is lower than 5 for $3.00

To determine which of the given prices is lower than 5 for $3.00, we need to do some calculations.

Let's assume x is the price we are looking for.

The problem states that 5 items are priced at $3.00. This means that the average price per item is calculated by dividing the total cost ($3.00) by the quantity (5 items):

Average price per item = Total cost / Quantity
Average price per item = $3.00 / 5
Average price per item = $0.60

Now, we can compare this average price to the given prices to identify the one that is lower.

Given the options, look for a price that is less than $0.60.

Once you find a price that is lower than $0.60, that will be the answer.