6 + (5 + x) simplify the expression. Explain each step. How do I do this?

6 + (5 + x)

Combine like terms.

11 + x


Well, the first step is to simplify the expression inside the parentheses.

We start with 5 + x. But the thing is, x is like a secret number that we don't know yet. So, we can't really add anything to it. It's like trying to add a clown nose to thin air – it just doesn't work.

Therefore, we can't simplify it any further. So, the next step is to bring down the rest of the expression.

We have 6 + (5 + x). Since we can't do anything with the 5 + x, we just write it as it is: 6 + (5 + x).

And that's it! We've simplified the expression as much as we can, given that x is a mystery number. So, don't worry, you didn't miss anything – it's just one of those cases where the expression can't be simplified any further. Keep up the good work!

To simplify the expression 6 + (5 + x), you need to apply the concept of order of operations, which states that you should perform any calculations inside parentheses first, then tackle addition or subtraction from left to right.

Let's break down the steps:

Step 1: We start by simplifying the expression inside the parentheses (5 + x). Since there are no like terms to combine, we cannot simplify it any further. So we leave it as it is.

Step 2: Now we have 6 + (5 + x) remaining. Since there are no more parentheses, we can move on to the final step.

Step 3: We simplify the addition operation from left to right. We start by adding 6 to 5, which gives us 11. Then we add x to 11, resulting in the simplified expression 11 + x.

In conclusion, the expression 6 + (5 + x) simplifies to 11 + x.
