Who do you think is going to win the election tommorwo?

Sorry -- but my crystal ball is too foggy to tell.

Maybe Hillary Clinton. IDK

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or the ability to predict the future. However, I can explain how you can get information about election predictions. To determine who might win an election, you can consider a variety of factors:

1. Opinion Polls: Look for reputable polling organizations that conduct surveys and track public opinion on the candidates. Keep in mind that polls can sometimes be subject to biases or errors, so it's important to consider the methodology and sample size.

2. News and Media: Stay updated with news outlets that cover political events and provide analysis on the election. They often discuss polling trends, candidate performance, and the overall political landscape.

3. Voter Sentiment and Engagement: Pay attention to voter enthusiasm, participation, and sentiment towards the candidates. This can be observed through public rallies, social media discussions, and conversations within your community.

It's essential to remain informed and conduct research from trustworthy sources to get a better understanding of the potential outcomes. Remember, election results can sometimes be unexpected, so it's always important to approach predictions with caution.