A mass-spring system undergoes simple harmonic motion with amplitude A.Does the total energy of the system change if the mass doubled but the amplitude is unchanged? Does the kinetic and potential energies depends on the mass? Explain.

To determine if the total energy of a mass-spring system changes when the mass is doubled but the amplitude is unchanged, we need to analyze the components contributing to the total energy.

The total energy of a simple harmonic motion system consists of two components: kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE). The equation for total energy (E) is as follows:

E = KE + PE

1. Kinetic Energy (KE):
The kinetic energy of an object is given by the equation KE = (1/2)mv^2, where m represents the mass and v represents the velocity. As we can see, the kinetic energy is directly proportional to the mass of the object. Therefore, if the mass is doubled, the kinetic energy will also double, assuming the velocity remains constant (as the amplitude is unchanged).

2. Potential Energy (PE):
The potential energy of a mass-spring system is given by the equation PE = (1/2)kx^2, where k represents the spring constant and x represents the displacement from the equilibrium position. Notice that potential energy depends on the displacement but not on the mass. Therefore, doubling the mass while keeping the amplitude unchanged will not affect the potential energy of the system.

Now, let's consider the total energy:
E = KE + PE

Since KE doubles and PE remains unchanged when the mass is doubled and the amplitude is unchanged, the total energy E will increase by a factor of 2. This means that the total energy of the system does change in this scenario.

In conclusion, while potential energy does not depend on the mass, kinetic energy does. Therefore, altering the mass of the system while keeping the amplitude unchanged will result in a change in the total energy of the mass-spring system.