why might Equiano have asked captain to call him Jacob rather than oladuah

two of the wretches were drowned, is this active or passive and rewrite the sentence using a verb in the opposite voice


Equiano may have asked the captain to call him Jacob rather than Oladuah for several reasons. To understand this, let's explore the historical and social context of Equiano's life.

Olaudah Equiano was born in West Africa, in what is now Nigeria, in the late 18th century. During this time, the transatlantic slave trade was prevalent, and African slaves were forced to adopt European names by their captors. Names were often changed to erase cultural and personal identities, reinforcing the dehumanization of enslaved individuals.

Equiano's given African name, Olaudah, held cultural significance and personal meaning, connecting him to his African heritage and ancestry. By choosing to adopt the name Jacob, he might have sought to assimilate into the European culture imposed on him. This decision could be seen as a strategy for survival, as many slaves believed that having a European name might grant them better treatment or opportunities for freedom.

Additionally, taking on a European name like Jacob might have made it easier for Equiano to communicate and interact with Europeans, as they often struggled with pronouncing African names. It could also have been a way for him to distance himself from the trauma and associations connected to his African name, enabling him to navigate the harsh realities of slavery with some emotional detachment.

In summary, Equiano may have asked the captain to call him Jacob rather than Oladuah due to the pressure to adopt European names during the era of the transatlantic slave trade, his desire to assimilate into European culture for survival purposes, and the practicality of having a more accessible name for communication with Europeans.

Are we supposed to guess what you read?

The verb is "were drowned." Are the wretches doing this action? Or are they the victims of this action?