In which of these Asian countries has gendercide been rejected in favor of gender equality?

A. Sri Lanka

B. South Korea

C. Indonesia

D. Tibet

Ans: B

I think you're right, but check your text.

thanks I have been .... will do again

To determine which of these Asian countries has rejected gendercide in favor of gender equality, we need to analyze the historical and cultural context of each country.

First, let's examine Sri Lanka. Gendercide refers to the deliberate killing of individuals based on their gender, often targeting females. Sri Lanka, although striving towards gender equality, has not explicitly rejected gendercide. Therefore, we can eliminate Sri Lanka as the answer.

Next, let's consider Indonesia. Although Indonesia has made progress towards gender equality, it has not specifically rejected gendercide. Hence, we can eliminate it as well.

Moving on to Tibet, while it is not an independent country but an autonomous region within China, it has not been recognized for rejecting gendercide or advocating for gender equality measures. Hence, we can exclude Tibet as the answer.

Finally, let's focus on South Korea. South Korea has been an advocate for gender equality and has actively worked to reject harmful practices such as gendercide. The South Korean government has implemented policies and initiatives to address gender inequality and promote equal rights for women. Therefore, the correct answer is B - South Korea.

In summary, the Asian country that has rejected gendercide in favor of gender equality is South Korea (option B).