Depending on your school commute on your way to to campus, you regularly stop at one of two of your favorite coffee shop locations "Fresh Pots!". You begin to suspect that one location is inconsistently producing their coffee by watering them down or over brewing them. You develop a hypothesis to test your claim that one location is producing inconsistent products, which of the following is the correct description for the type of hypothesis test you should perform? Note: Each location has the same three brewed coffee roasts.

None of the above

One-tailed hypothesis test with unpaired data

b. One-tailed hypothesis test with a difference in means
c. Two-tailed hypothesis test with a difference in means
d. Two-tailed hypothesis test with paired data
e. The data is not normal and can not be tested with the information provided

In order to test your hypothesis that one location is producing inconsistent coffee products, you would need to conduct a hypothesis test called a Two-Sample T-Test for Equality of Means.

The Two-Sample T-Test compares the means of two independent samples to determine if there is a significant difference between them. In this case, you would take samples from both coffee shop locations (location 1 and location 2), ensuring that each sample represents the three brewed coffee roasts available at both locations.

Once you have collected your samples, you would calculate the mean coffee quality (e.g., taste, strength, etc.) for each location. Then, using the Two-Sample T-Test, you can analyze if there is a statistically significant difference between the means of the two locations. If there is a significant difference, it could suggest that one location is indeed producing inconsistent coffee products.

Remember that in order to conduct a hypothesis test, you would also need to establish a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis would assume that there is no significant difference between the means of the two locations' coffee quality, while the alternative hypothesis would suggest that there is a significant difference.

By performing this Two-Sample T-Test, you can determine if there is evidence to support your suspicion that one coffee shop location is consistently producing inconsistent coffee.