A 170 pound person burns 252 calories during 30 minutes of tennis,find the number of calories a 210 pound person would burn during the same activity.

210/170 = x/252

Solve for x.

To find the number of calories a 210 pound person would burn during 30 minutes of tennis, we can use a proportional relationship.

First, let's establish the proportion between weight and calories burned:

Weight (in pounds) : Calories burned (in 30 minutes)
170 : 252
210 : ?

To find the missing value, we can set up a proportion and solve for the calories burned for a 210 pound person:

170/252 = 210/x

To solve for x (the calories burned for a 210 pound person), we can cross multiply:

170x = 210 * 252

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 170 to solve for x:

x = (210 * 252) / 170

Using a calculator, we can simplify the equation:

x ≈ 311.76

Therefore, a 210 pound person would burn approximately 312 calories during 30 minutes of tennis.