how can I write a humerus speech for declamation on topic "I never reason, therefore, I am seldom wrong." ?

You mean "humorous"?

Read these very carefully. You should get some good ideas here:

To write a humorous speech for declamation on the topic "I never reason, therefore, I am seldom wrong," you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the topic: Begin by carefully analyzing the quote and understanding its underlying meaning. In this case, the speaker takes a humorous perspective on not reasoning, suggesting that by avoiding the process of rational thinking, they rarely make mistakes.

2. Brainstorm funny anecdotes or situations: Think of situations or experiences in your own life where you or someone you know lacked reasoning skills but still managed to avoid being wrong. These anecdotes can serve as the basis for humor in your speech.

3. Use exaggerated situations: To enhance the humor in your speech, exaggerate the situations you describe. By amplifying the comedic elements, you can entertain your audience and make them laugh.

4. Add puns or wordplay: Incorporate puns or wordplay related to the topic to create additional humor. In this case, you can play with the ideas of reasoning and being wrong, finding clever ways to connect them in humorous wordplay.

5. Consider using humorous examples from popular culture: Drawing examples from movies, books, or current events can add an extra layer of humor that people can easily relate to and appreciate.

6. Practice comedic timing: Humor often relies on timing and delivery. Practice reading your speech out loud, paying close attention to the timing and pauses to maximize the comedic effect.

Remember, when writing a humorous speech, it's essential to be mindful of what might be offensive or inappropriate. Ensure that your humor is light-hearted, relatable, and enjoyable for a wide audience.

By following these steps, you should be able to craft a humorous speech on the topic "I never reason, therefore, I am seldom wrong" that will entertain and engage your audience.