Can you give any web sites for dummies related to dependent variable measures (inter -item reliability Cronbach's Alpha)? Also, dependent variable index by category of independent variables (cross tabulations), and how much of an effect your independent variables have on your dependent variable index (bivariate regression tables).....need help desperately for a reportthanks!

Certainly! Here are some websites that can help you better understand dependent variable measures, such as inter-item reliability (Cronbach's Alpha), dependent variable index by category of independent variables (cross tabulations), and the effect of independent variables on your dependent variable index (bivariate regression tables):

1. Simply Psychology - Cronbach's Alpha: This website provides a concise and straightforward explanation of Cronbach's Alpha, including its purpose, calculations, and interpretation. Visit their webpage at:

2. StatTrek - Cross Tabulation: StatTrek offers tutorials on various statistical concepts, including cross tabulation. Their guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create and interpret cross tabulation tables. Check out their page here:

3. Social Research Methods - Bivariate Regression: This website offers a comprehensive explanation of bivariate regression analysis, including how to interpret regression tables and assess the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. You can access their webpage at:

Remember, these websites provide a good starting point, but it's also important to consult additional resources, such as textbooks or academic articles, for a more in-depth understanding of the topics. Good luck with your report!