
If one of you could explain this to me please?

- 2 / 5 x - 9 < 9 / 10 Add 9 to both sides

- 2 / 5 x - 9 + 9 < 9 / 10 + 9

- 2 / 5 x < 9 / 10 + 90 / 10

- 2 / 5 x < 99 / 10 Multiply both sides by 5

- 2 x < 99 * 5 / 10

- 2 x < 99 * 5 / 2 * 5

- 2 x < 99 / 2 Divide both sides by - 2

When we multiply or divide inequality by a negative number
we must reverse the inequality.

x > ( 99 / 2 ) / - 2

x > 99 / 2 * - 2

x > 99 / - 4

x > - 99 / 4

thanks :D

You're welcome


Add 9 to both sides.

-2/5x < 9 9/10

Multiply both sides by -2/5. Note that the sign changes directions.

x > (9 9/10) * (-2/5)
x > - 24 3/4

Thanks Ms. Sue :D

To solve the inequality -2/5x - 9 < 9/10, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify both sides of the inequality by adding 9 to each side:
-2/5x - 9 + 9 < 9/10 + 9
-2/5x < 9/10 + 90/10
-2/5x < 99/10

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the inequality by -5/2 to isolate the variable x. It's important to note that when you multiply or divide an inequality by a negative number, the direction of the inequality sign reverses:
(-5/2)(-2/5x) > (-5/2)(99/10)
x > -495/20

Step 3: Simplify the right side of the equation:
x > -24.75

So, the solution to the inequality -2/5x - 9 < 9/10 is x > -24.75.