To compromise space means to?

A:Maximize hazards

B:Minimize hazards****

C:Narrow the space between vehicles

D:Speed up

I agree.

Thank you!!

The correct answer is B: Minimize hazards.

To understand why compromising space means to minimize hazards, let's break down the elements of the question. When it comes to space, whether it is in a physical or conceptual sense, compromising it typically means reducing or sacrificing it in some way. In the context of driving or operating vehicles, compromising space refers to reducing the amount of space or distance between vehicles or objects, which can increase the risk of accidents and collisions.

On the other hand, minimizing hazards means taking actions or precautions to reduce potential dangers or risks. This can include maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles, objects, or potential hazards on the road. By minimizing hazards, drivers can enhance their safety and that of others around them.

Therefore, compromising space means to decrease the distance or space between vehicles, which is counterproductive to safe driving. Conversely, minimizing hazards involves keeping a safe distance and decreasing the potential for accidents.

You are welcome.

speed up