1. Can you keep it a secret to go shopping with me?

2. The money left it possible to help poor people.
(Are both grammatical? Does each sentence need any correction?)

3. The wind kept it possible to go there fast.

They're alright for the most part, but could possibly be worded better. My suggestions:

1. Can you keep going shopping with me a secret?

2. You could replace "left" with "made" if you wanted, although it makes sense the way you have it too.

3. The wind *made* it possible to go there fast.

"N" is mostly right. These sentences would be much better and smoother if they were phrased in these ways:

1. Can you keep it secret that you go shopping with me?

2. The donated money made it possible to help poor people.

3. The wind made it possible for us to get there faster than normal.

1. The sentence "Can you keep it a secret to go shopping with me?" is grammatically correct, but it can be rephrased to make it more clear. You may want to consider saying, "Can you keep it a secret that we are going shopping together?" or "Can you keep it a secret if I go shopping with you?" These rephrased sentences are more concise and convey the intended meaning more effectively.

2. The sentence "The money left it possible to help poor people" is not grammatically correct. It needs some correction. You can rephrase it as "The remaining money makes it possible to help poor people." This revised sentence is grammatically correct and clearer in its meaning.