Ralph brought his car to the mechanic to be repaired. The total bill including parts and labor was $445. The parts cost $120. He also paid d dollars per hour for 5 hours of labor. Which equation can be used to find the number of dollars, d, he paid per hour for labor?



To find the equation that can be used to find the number of dollars, d, Ralph paid per hour for labor, we need to set up an equation using the given information.

We know that the total bill, including parts and labor, was $445. The parts cost $120. Let's represent the labor cost as L. So, we can set up the equation:

L + 120 = 445

Now, we're told that Ralph paid d dollars per hour for 5 hours of labor. So, the labor cost can be represented as:


Substituting this into our equation, we have:

5d + 120 = 445

Thus, the equation that can be used to find the number of dollars, d, Ralph paid per hour for labor is:

5d + 120 = 445

120 + 5d = 445