A car travelled 268 km every 4.5 hours.At this rate,how long would it take to travel 380 km.

(380/268) * 4.5 hours

To find out how long it would take to travel 380 km at the rate of 268 km every 4.5 hours, you can use a proportion to solve the problem.

Let's set up the proportion:

268 km / 4.5 hours = 380 km / x hours

Cross-multiplying, we get:

268 km * x hours = 380 km * 4.5 hours

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 268 km to solve for x:

x hours = (380 km * 4.5 hours) / 268 km

Calculating this expression, we get:

x hours = 6.402985074626866 hours

Therefore, it would take approximately 6.4 hours to travel 380 km at the given rate of 268 km every 4.5 hours.