Which verb mood is used in the following sentence from the selection?

This movie was advertised as "full of adventure." (1 point)
indicative (my answer)


I agree

do u have the answers?

To determine the verb mood used in the sentence "This movie was advertised as 'full of adventure'," we need to understand the different verb moods and their characteristics.

1. Indicative mood: This mood is used to state a fact, express certainty, or ask questions. Example: "I am going to the store."

2. Subjunctive mood: This mood is used to express doubt, a hypothetical situation, or a wish. Example: "I wish I were taller."

3. Conditional mood: This mood is used to express a condition or a hypothetical situation. Example: "If I had more money, I would buy a new car."

4. Imperative mood: This mood is used to give commands or make requests. Example: "Close the door."

In the given sentence, "This movie was advertised as 'full of adventure'," the verb "was advertised" is in the indicative mood. It is stating a fact or providing information about how the movie was promoted. Therefore, the correct answer is indicative.