Matthew is 5 years older than twice the age of his sister. If Matthew is 13, how old is his sister? 3 4 9 31

I think she is 3 or 4


Which is it? 3 or 4?


To find out how old Matthew's sister is, we can follow these steps:

1. Let's first represent Matthew's sister's age with a variable. Let's call her sister's age "S".
2. Matthew is 5 years older than twice his sister's age, meaning his age can be represented as "2S + 5".
3. We know that Matthew is currently 13 years old. So, we can set up an equation: "2S + 5 = 13".
4. Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of "S", which represents the sister's age.
- Subtract 5 from both sides: "2S = 8".
- Divide both sides by 2: "S = 4".
5. Therefore, Matthew's sister is 4 years old.

So, your initial guess that Matthew's sister is 3 or 4 was correct. She is indeed 4 years old.