How does the 3 branches of government influence the bureaucracy?

Each branch has its own responsibilities, so all employees must follow the rules of their branch.

I need a more specific answer

Then go back to your text and read, read, read.

The three branches of government (legislative, executive, and judicial) play an important role in influencing the bureaucracy. Here's an explanation of how each branch exerts its influence:

1. Legislative Branch: This branch, consisting of the Congress (House of Representatives and Senate), has the power to create laws and allocate funds. They can directly impact the bureaucracy by establishing and defining agencies, departments, and their specific responsibilities through legislation. The legislative branch also has the power to conduct oversight hearings and investigations, which allows them to scrutinize the actions of the bureaucracy and influence its functioning.

To understand how the legislative branch influences the bureaucracy, you can:

a. Research existing laws and statutes: Analyze the legislation related to specific agencies or departments to understand their creation, purpose, and scope of authority.
b. Investigate oversight hearings: Look for transcripts, reports, or videos of congressional hearings where lawmakers address issues related to the bureaucracy to gain insights into their influence and potential changes to policies or practices.

2. Executive Branch: Comprising the President, along with various federal departments and agencies, the executive branch is responsible for implementing and enforcing laws. The president has the authority to appoint agency heads, known as political appointees, who can have a significant impact on the bureaucracy's direction and policies. The executive branch can also issue executive orders, which direct the actions of the bureaucracy without requiring congressional approval.

To understand how the executive branch influences the bureaucracy, you can:

a. Review executive orders: Study executive orders issued by the President to gain insights into their impact on the bureaucracy and specific agencies' functioning.
b. Analyze agency directives: Examine agency directives or memoranda that outline policies or initiatives from political appointees, as they can significantly shape the bureaucracy's actions.

3. Judicial Branch: Comprised of federal courts, including the Supreme Court, the judicial branch has the power to interpret laws and resolve legal disputes. While the judiciary does not directly manage the bureaucracy, its rulings on cases involving government agencies can have a profound influence on their operations. Court decisions can shape the interpretation of laws, set precedents, and even require agencies to change their policies or practices.

To understand how the judicial branch influences the bureaucracy, you can:

a. Study court rulings: Analyze Supreme Court decisions and lower court rulings that involve disputes between government agencies and other parties. These rulings often provide guidance on the interpretation of laws and constraints on administrative actions.
b. Explore legal commentary: Read legal analysis and scholarly articles that discuss the impact of court decisions on bureaucratic operations, as legal experts often provide insights and interpretations on these matters.

By examining the actions and interactions of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how they collectively influence the bureaucracy's functioning.