Identify the glacial term that corresponds to each of the following.

I'm stuck on these two. Thanks for the help

Melting by wind:
Sudden massive melting:

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To identify the glacial term that corresponds to each of the following concepts, we can use our knowledge of glacial processes and landforms.

1. Melting by wind:
When wind causes ice or snow to melt, it is termed "ablation." Ablation refers to the process of removing or eroding ice, snow, or glacial material due to various factors, including wind. In this case, the glacial term corresponding to "melting by wind" is ablation.

2. Sudden massive melting:
If there is a sudden and extensive melting of ice or snow, it can be referred to as a "glacial outburst flood" or a "jökulhlaup." This term is commonly used for large-scale, rapid melting events caused by factors such as volcanic activity, glacial dam breaches, or intense rainfall on glaciers. The sudden release of water from a glacial reservoir or the draining of a glacial lake leads to a significant and rapid increase in water flow. This phenomenon is often associated with catastrophic flooding downstream. So, the glacial term corresponding to "sudden massive melting" is glacial outburst flood or jökulhlaup.